I read over yesterday's post and feel the need to come back and clarify a few little points.....
I am just about as real a black woman you can get..... I don't hate anyone I will answer any question - I'm cool with uncomfortable questions....you will get no backlash. I want to make the world a better place for all people. I recognize that black people cannot blame anyone else for the condition of our communities and I'm willing to do my part - I will not run away. I am open minded I respect other people's boundaries I'm willing to become friend's with anyone who genuinely does not think they are better than me simply because they are not black - friendship is is a privledge. You start with an A...its up to you to keep it! I wish no harm to come to any other human being....
deep down inside I know we are all humans biologicially (I work in the scientific community) .....race was something someone evil created to divide us.
.....the reason that I may refer to things along racial lines is because that is my reality unfortunately. I want a house.....if I live below or within my means...I will be livin in a neigborhood of my peers....if I live above my means...I struggle and I still may never get ahead (I feel so sorry for folk that have houses in Randallstown, Woodlawn, Parts of Owings Mills in a few years.....mwah!)
I would love to live in a world were I trusted everyone's intentions but hey, that is just not that way the world we live in is actually set up. You hear about Black communities, underachieving black schools, black issues, black health....? Who is trying to make the world more multicultural and based on the values everyone says they want? its all good! ??? AS soon as everything is correctly discussed (i.e we have an American problem or a Baltimore problem).....I will be more of a believer that we live in a society where everyone is equal.
I pray that because I am so honest....that it may in turn generate a discussion...if not with me then within your own circle.
I feel looked down upon in society....not sure why or when this downward spiral occured, but there seems to be an all out assult on black women. I would love to break it down further, but perhaps some other time. (relevant example: This new movie, A Diary of a Tired Black Man (TBD) is sure to set us back a few more years. Not because of the jewels they may drop on sistahs about how we relate to black men, but how sprinkled in the food is destined to be a little sh*t- all these brothers who put us down as a justification for them dating interracially - bs) i am not saying that the overtly sexist and racist society we live in gets me down all the time...i have very high self esteem and the people around me have good things going on and are progressive, but when i look around me I truly feel as if no one else is mad about it. Who has my back? Oprah's show was very interesting....truly made me realize that within the black "leadership"'s collective thinking...their is a paradigm shift occuring and folk are clashing......a changing of the guard, if you will. The new folk may be lets say relying more on technology over man power. Its so sad because my generation have not been truly equipped to deal with the new issues we face...did you hear ya guy Kevin Lyles?.....we are still fighting demons that we should have long ago gotten ova ( i.e hair - topic of post). I want to change....I'm growing, please don't knock me while Im going through my metamorphesis. I've been quite emotional lately....there has just been so much going on in the world. Betweeen the war (I think "they" want us to forget we are going through one), all the sensless killings in our small town, imus, va tech, I am emotionally spent and honestly haven't felt much like posting on the blog. Some of the stuff I have on my mind is a rough draft (much like much of today's rap music) and when people read it they may take me a little to literally and I def can't have that. Holla at cha gurl sometimes...keep me posted. What's going on in the Q-munnity (I sound like Jeneba!) heck me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove |
I have your back as long as I can still ask for explanations when my colleagues start talking about side wraps. Roar.