Recieved this from a good friend this morning via e-mail:
"God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty" - Peter Marshall
& ....... Im sooooo ready for the good!!!!
My first OFFICIAL day back to work after a week off and I was handed a copy of my first published article:
Risperidone and Adaptive Behavior in Children With Autism. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 45(4):431-439, April 2006.
WILLIAMS, SUSAN K. Ph.D.; SCAHILL, LAWRENCE M.S.N., PH.D.; VITIELLO, BENEDETTO M.D.; AMAN, MICHAEL G. Ph.D.; ARNOLD, L. EUGENE M.Ed., M.D.; MCDOUGLE, CHRISTOPHER J. M.D.; MCCRACKEN, JAMES T. M.D.; TIERNEY, ELAINE M.D.; RITZ, LOUISE M.B.A.; POSEY, DAVID J. M.D.; SWIEZY, NAOMI B. Ph.D.; HOLLWAY, JILL M.A.; CRONIN, PEGEEN Ph.D.; GHUMAN, JASWINDER M.D.; WHEELER, COURTNEY B.S.; CICCHETTI, DOMENIC Ph.D.; SPARROW, SARA Ph.D. Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the impact of risperidone on adaptive behavior in children with autistic disorder who have serious behavior problems and to examine different methods of scoring the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales to measure change.
Method: Forty-eight children (5 years to 16 years, 5 months) who showed behavioral improvement during acute treatment with risperidone were followed for 6 months and assessed with the Vineland Scales .... [ if you care to know more] Yeah...SO WHAAAAD.....I'm like 14th author! he he! "This week I'm washin' lettuce, but next week ....I'll be on fries &..... THAT's when the BIG BUCK$ are gonna start rollin in"
What does this have to do with Hip Hop? EVERYTHING!!! |