"The Baltimore Museum of Art and the Walters Art Museum announced yesterday that both museums are eliminating admission fees, a step made possible by an $800,000 gift from the city and county." WOW! "...Free admission starts Oct. 1 and marks a return to a time 24 years ago when it didn't cost anything to get into the two museums .........." * * There is a new name in the Baltimore energy market , Con Edison. Is it just me or is the name "Con" a lil scary? * The city's 12 summer ethnic festivals showcase a smorgasborg of cultures from this weekend through October * FINALLY ....A POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Young people urged to help in reducing youth homicides *
"....Astronautalis, who was born in Fairfax, Va., and grew up in the Baltimore-D.C. area, was introduced to hip-hop when he was in the 8th grade by his "very cool older brother Seth......" * Hammerjack's closes for good [I am going to blog on this topic, but haven't really had the time. I promise to get back to this] Additional source * Young Leek's album is set to drop Summer 2006
Am I the last person to find out that the ROOST closed?? OMFG!!!! What the hell am I gonna do?? Yes...they fell off a few years ago, but who from Baltimore doesn't still go back there at least once a year to see if the fish has gotten any better. It's crazy, but it is -- damn was a Baltimore landmark. I am so gonna miss that spot!!!! Missy...why didnt you tell me about this???? LOL! * check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove |
I not trying to sound like a hater but that kid Youn0g Leek is another B Rich situation or maybe I'm not sure he does'nt represtent Baltimore to me.