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    Dec 8, 2006
    Changes are a coming!!!!
    Cynnamixx & Starr At WERQ

    Announced on 12/3 - DJ Cynnamixx will assume the midday shift as well as music director role, come February.
    ScuuuuuuuuuuuZe me, but DID I MISS A MEMO - IS NIKKI LEAVING TOO? Isn't she in the mid-day slot? Isn't she the music director? or will she become "NIK at Night" once again? I think she'd be great on Public Radio.....her podcasts (or "Q-ed up" segment as I think they are called) are great! OR HAS SHE GOTTEN A PROMOTION?
    .........Program Director Victor Starr's last day at the Baltimore urban outlet will be 12/22
    Perhaps they are righting a wrong. Was she skipped when they hired Starr as some would postulate?
    DAYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM!!! Yall must didn't believe me when I told yall the station was not a money maker a few months back. For the first time this radio business became real to me. Folks jobs are on the line at all times. I truly wish all parties involved much success!!!
    We have NO idea what we are in for now...things could get better, but then again......THEY COULD GET SOOOOO MUCH WORSE!!!

    92Q's LaDawn Black To PGC
    Announced on 12/3 - DCRTV hears that urban radio relationship expert LaDawn Black (left), host of Radio One-owned WERQ's "The Love Zone," will be jumping to CBS's WPGC-FM come mid-January. There have been rumblings over the past few weeks that the DC native has wanted to take her program elsewhere, with rumors that she might become a fill-in host on Michael Baisden's nationally syndicated relationship show, "Love, Lust And Lies".....
    WOW! No more love zone! No more "shout out to my baby farvuh ova Brockbridge. I love you baby! I can't wait til I talk to you tomorrow"
    For the sake of conversation........

    Ahhhhhhhhh ain't this cute! Young Leek has a fansite (looks like they've given up tho!)
    Do you think Baltimore has turned their back on Young Leek? I don't even hear his name mentioned - EVER. Do the people still think he is the future now that Next Level appears to have moved on to the next rap boy band (the new phenominon - thanks Pretty Ricky) Deuce Tre Deuce LOL!? I feel funny even bringing this subject up.

    Have you heard .......DJ Spontaneous is no longer on the Big Phat Morning Show and that he was replaced with DJ Cynnamixx ....LOL! WOW! Sounds like a new cereal. No discrespect......She is no doubt a great person (& peep her resume), but she has really big shoes to fill. Baltimore loves Spontaneous. I am assuming that since I've never heard of her round here (before now) that she must not be a native. What's up with that! Was there no one from B'more qualified for the job? What can you do; c'est la vie ("so is life")............
    Although "diggin in the crates" was not a totally original segment concept, Spon's take on it was always entertaining. I bet it was a real education for the young people that still think that NEW music is actually new. I can't lie......he stumped me all the time...LOL! I guess that is one of the many reasons I never called in and participated...LOL! All that being said....Spontaneous' voice and musical contributions will surely be missed. I am sure that God has something truly magical in store for him/you - right around the corner (just like Epic Pharmacy).
    Speaking of the BPMS.........I heard that Pork Chop recently went under the knife (vocal repair - no doubt). From what I hear from others......(I only listen to NPR and indie CDs for the most part nowadayz)...he sounds different too. I have got to check this out for my self on Monday. Over the years I'd gotten used to his raspineess........... GET WELL SOON, CHOP!

    What do the people think about the NEW Rap Attack? It was the most boring show in the world to me this past Sunday. PLEASE GET SOME NEW BLOOD ON THAT SHOW!!!! Its needs a make over - maybe a name change while you're at it. They need some new sound effects or break the show up in segments...something. I never realized how much Pork Chop added (in the way of entertaining commentary) until he left.

    DAYUUUUUUUM!!! Change is all around us.....R U READY? Take the time to investigate how ^these^ changes will effect you.
    source: DCRTV
    check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove or www.myspace.com/itsbaltimorebaby
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 12/08/2006 01:56:00 PM  
    • At Friday, December 08, 2006 9:09:00 PM, Blogger Al said…

      Yeah, the rumor I heard is that Victor Starr's contract is up, and Neke will be assuming his job. Pork Chop's new voice sounds good, kinda healthier, although at first you might not even recognize him. And I definitely agree about Rap Attack since PC left, it's just not the same. I listened to it before he was on there and it's fine, but I really just haven't been able to listen to it at all much lately. That new girl co-host really isn't a good fit, IMO.

      I haven't heard from Stay Gettin' about it in a while, but it seems like the Young Leek project hasn't had much progress with Def Jam lately, it's been months since they last promised that the video was coming soon. I don't think Next Level moved on per se, since I don't think he's been part of NL since he signed with Def Jam, I think it's more like after Young Leek moved on from NL, they've started trying to replicate his success with all these other teen rappers they've got (Deuce Tre Deuce, Tay-Eazy, A-Maz-On, Prince). I've got nothing but respect for K-Swift but it's kinda messed up how most of the local MCs you hear on 92Q these days are kiddie rappers on her label.

    • At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 2:50:00 PM, Blogger C Love "The Rap Addict" said…

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    • At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 3:02:00 PM, Blogger C Love "The Rap Addict" said…

      I hadn't realized that there was a girl on Rap Attack...WOW! Thats good.....I love to see female representation.

      ...as long as she is not like K-Swift (not picking, but hers is the most flagrant example) and either co-signs or ignores/laughs off the foul/disgusting stuff that Swirrel Wide says out his mouth.

      I would have to say something in response to insistence on calling women "noodles" and "smuts" on-air. WTF is that at 7:00 PM? anyways...I choose to not listen. ......Love Swirrel to death tho!!!

      To each his/her own, but there are alot of lil gurls that take their cues for how to deal with men from the adults they admire, respect and see/hear regularly.

      Ima give the new RA show a chance.....change is good. it may take me a while to get used to it....I STILL think they may want to revamp it tho...it's time. Listen to how CS show sounds....not that they should copy (by no means), but it sounds way more entertaining or listen to DC stations...there personalities & DJs are the best.

      Thanks for the YL info...mmh mmh mmh!!

      all I can say is ....in most jobs...what she does in NOT ALLOWED under NO uncertain circumstances.

      ...most professionals must disclose when they can use their day job/ politicial position/influence to benefit them (particularly, financially).

      In my job.... a MD must disclose when he owns stock in the company that makes the medicine we are testing. If we (the supossedly unbiased) prove the medicine is safe or lets say can be used for a new disease....the company will make money...they stock will increase in value and the MD will make more money. But what if he lies...what if he fudges numbers to make it look better (i.e. SPINS).....you not only can't trust the data, but you can't trust him.

      92 Q is pushing this club hop biz hard because it benefits the people that work at the station that have side entertainment enterprises. They all do....KS just makes it obvious ..........why would Duece Tre Deuce be on the radio (LIVE) at 8:00 PM freestyling? LOL! They were? That's when I knew for sure something isn't right with the Q.

      But hey....I'm not mad at her....its just not fair to ppl who I know work hard to play the game...yet based on what I've seen still have little to NO chance getting their music on the radio.

      They don't even try to hide the fact that if you are not with them you are no where....LOL!

      Production and artists are all in-house.

      I have never seen any of these boy bands at real RAP shows. WOW! How can you not come out to one....even if its just to say to yourself how much better than you are than everyone else?

      Oh then again...........most of these groups are made up of ppl under 18...so they prolly can't come

      This isn't even politics (politicians at least make you feel like you matter to them)......this is its own breed of injustice.

      I have a lot of respect for K-Swift's evolution....I don't know her well enough to say much more.

      On the few occasions that I made her acquaintance.....she was not very approachable.

      I was kinda blown because before I got involved in the music scene...I was a fan.

      I thought she had a pretty cool personality.

      I'm just gonna sit back and see how all this works itself out.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!


    • At Tuesday, December 12, 2006 4:35:00 PM, Blogger Al said…

      Yeah, good point, C Love. I think you're coming from the same place as me, having started as a fan and still kinda looking up to these people, even when it seems like the way they're doing things isn't all good. I even kinda addressed the situation a little in my Best Of Baltimore blurb for K-Swift's Best Club DJ award, but it kind of deserves some serious examination.

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