At the request of OGUN: "Many of u know that some false accusations have been brought against me! I go to court on next wednesday May 24th. All character witnesses are needed. If u can get off work or don't work please come and fill the court room in support of myself. 700 E. Patapsco ave.....1:30 pm in room 1..... This is serious business! Anyone that can come is greatly ppreciated! What up P funk....hope u thought about what I said.... See u next week!"
I attended today's hearing along with numerous other supporters. [I am only refraining from saying their names because I do not want to offend anyone]. BUT BIG UPS TO ALL YALL FOR REAL!!! I had absolutely no problem with going to the courthouse and saying and doing whatever was demanded of me in support of this very man who was involved in this whole fiasco.... in large part because he was being a good friend to me.
The first part of this story starts with the accusers coming into the court room to further discuss their desire to NOT move forward with the case because as the female accuser put it..."the situation is dilluted" or maybe she said "dissolved". [I'm flexin my brain to figure out their whole names... so I won't put them down. I want to make sure I get it right when I finally do put these people on blast] ????? What does that mean??? I really didn't matter anyway.... I took that to say that the "assult" had evaporated into thin air from their perspective. * So the State's attorney offered to put Ogun's on STET as if he was doing him a favor. He and I had talked about this before hand and had agreed that STET was not the way to go. That was comparable to admitting guilt [in our eyes] and the motto has been since day one...RIGHT IS RIGHT AND WRONG IS WRONG. Plus...this court case was all about distracting everyone from the real danger that is in our midst ...not about gaining justice because a wrong has been commited.
* I assumed that he would get a postponement because he didn't have an attorney, but he suprised us all when he declared that he was moving forward and was going to defend himself. WOW! That took a lot of courage. He cross examined and everything. He really gambled big with his decision, but it payed off. His judge was definitely a man of integrity and/or has seen cases of assult where witnesses and accuser obviously witnessed the same occurance and/or cases where people actually got hurt. Respect was given and respect was shown...I can honestly say some of my faith in the criminal justice system was restored today - for real. Not only did the judge find him NOT GUILTY but he didn't even add any stipulations. The case was bullsh*t from the beginning. Now a court of law has said it too!!!! * I have GOT to tell yall what he was charged with.....
Assult 2nd Degree [this is the shoulder slam she told everyone he gave her] Assult with a deadly weapon [the judges exact words were, "so the bar stool is the deadly weapon?"...I could have died!!!!!]
Lemme tell ALL YALL something!!!
If my man allowed another man to hit me OR another man assulted me in any way....both my p*ssy of a husband and I BOTH better be taking our tore up asses to the police station together. And that punk better at least one time act like he is going to look for him....LOL! There is no way a woman is going to be able to sleep with a man every night who allowed another man to put his hands on you in a manner that you didn't request. Yeah ....I know some of us are different. You don't even have to write me with that comment. But.....How your man gonna look ova at you and be like, "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!! You got knocked the f*ck out!"
"I got your back.....waaaay back....I'ma be up here on the porch!" LOL! * If you are facing a legal all means get an attorney but also educate your self on the charge against you and the penalty for being found guilty. If you have a case on the Stet MUST get that off your record as soon as the law allows in your situation.
* Stet Docket(Stet) for those of you that don't know: The Stet Docket is an inactive docket maintained by the State's Attorney's office. If a case is placed on the Stet Docket, the Defendant must waive his/her right to a speedy trial in the original case. The case remains on the Stet Docket for a period of one year, during that time, either the Defendant or the State (very unlikely) can ask the Court to place the case back on the active docket for trial. There may be conditions of placing the case on the Stet Docket, a common example of such a condition is no contact between the Defendant and the victim/complainant.
If you are found not still have a record of being involved in a criminal proceeding until you take the steps to have the charge expunged from your record. Here are some tips on how you can change your criminal record.
Hollaaaaaaaaa at cha peeps on MYSPACE @ Leave it to Ray Charles' Mama to tell me a thing or two about life: * "Scratch a lie find a thief...remember that!!!! You hear me!!!!"
Nooooow....we can move on for real!!!! |