I was not /am not going to comment at length regarding the "rightness or wrongness" of the incident that occured at the 5 Seasons the other night........ * At first......... because I didn't know what to say. This is a touchy situation for many reasons. * NOW...........because some kind of way my name was bought up and that's not cool with me. * I could rightfully be acused of a lot of stuff, but starting or instigating a brawl - NEVER!!! That's not my style. That is not something to play about. * Buuuuuuuuuud......Before I move on with my meaningful life......I definitely feel the need to say this to anyone that reads this blog: * RESIST THE PULL OF THE MOB MENTALITY * Its an incredibly strong vacuum * Since I have not talked to anyone actually involved in the altercation......I have no idea what was said or done to set this off. I am only going off of what I've been told - which is very little............ * but from what I've heard..........people think that the statements: * "F*CK BALTIMORE HIP HOP" (or its rappers...something like that)
"ALL BALTIMORE RAPPERS ARE WACK" (or a variation of that) * were made at the last IBB event. If it was....I did not hear it. If you heard that through the grapevine and not with your own ears....someone may have lied to you. * There were at least 50 ppl there besides those of us actually involved with the organizing of the event......unfortunately, one of those ppl chose to leave the event and tell the story as they saw/heard it and ppl that wanted to believe it ran with it. * Note: if these statements were made at another time.....I will STFU!!! Cause I am obviously the one out of the loop. * I don't know if this person chose to alter the words intentionally to serve their own amusement or twisted purpose.......or as a result of the story being passed around and it slowly morphed into something else (remember that game in Elementary School) .......but now everyone (and their mama) is coming out the woodwork expressing their dislike of DNA. To me...that is not fair and kinda fake. * If you don't like a person...or think they are an arrogant jerk or not the best Hip Hop DJ in Baltimore.....that's one thing - Feel that way!!! But to sit here/there and act like you are mad at him too (when you were just giving him dap 3 weeks ago) and YOU personally did not hear him make those comments is a bit unfair (and resembles how a witch trial usually begins). * Because I was implicated at all (albeit small......still don't know why exactly...maybe it will come out one day) ......I cannot passionately talk about how wrong the events of the last few days actually are. Maybe they were warranted (in your humble opinion)......prolly not, but lots of people are instigating and rebel rousing and its will only spiral further out of control if its not nipped in the bud now. * I sure hope this is ova!!! We don't even needs this type of drama in our lives. It just makes our fight so much harder. If we kept using energy to fight one another we won't have anything left for the real fight - THE WORLD! Baltimore Hip Hop is the ish and the rappers are the life....don't let anyone tell you anything different. <------but I know you would never do that any way. This all has to be a terrible misunderstanding. * |