Thank you so much for your interest in the Baltimore Young Adult Town Hall Meeting. This will be the first of many. We plan to announce the date for the next meeting on the 9th. Ultimately, we'd like to hold these monthly and air the meetings on cable access.
This town hall meeting is designed to give the hip hop community the opportunity to talk about their (our) unique issues. My team will be taking notes and then we will use that information to plan the course of action. Once we establish an agenda (what we plan to address).....we plan to use our unique creative abilities to make incremental changes to our environment(s).
We are painters, writers, musicians, clothing designers, community activists, gardeners, former gang bangers and drug dealers, preachers, educators, etc - Baltimore has a rich multi-disciplinary team that they are
NOT tapping into.
No one has asked US what can be done to improve our city. Who better to offer insight into a problem "the powers that be" obviously do not understand? The Mayor and/or Police commissioner cannot do it on their own. I think it would be in their best interest to work with us because if they fail...everyone will blame them (including us) for not doing ALL in their power.
In talking to many people....We've found that most people are in need of guidance and help. People often forget that we all need a helping hand. And....we are not talking about people on welfare or drugs.
Baltimore's public school system has failed us all - the youth and adults who went through the same system. Even those of us that went to private or catholic schools are affected because we live in a city with a high number of uneducated and hopeless people.
We are not animals...we have hearts, feelings, dreams and ideas that will greatly aid Baltimore moving forward. Believe it or not...many of us that are active in the Baltimore Hip Hop community are college educated. Hip Hop is 30 years old....we've grown up. Its not our fault that the industry has not. Many artists make great and uplifting music is time for us to get powerful people to start countering the negative that surrounds this rich and uniquely American culture/artform. So many negative stereotypes exists that we want to change or abolish.
We are the first generation to truly grow up in a multi cultural society. Its time that we use all of our gifts to help mankind. The new motto is
I AM THE REVOLUTION. For too long we have been waiting for this leader to emerge...that has been problem #1. He/she is not coming.
We must motivate one another.We have several individuals that have asked to come and speak, but we've not announced a panel in any of the materials we are disseminating. BUT.....truth be told..... many more people have told us that they just want the opportunity to talk. The 5 Seasons has graciously allowed us the use of the venue for 2 hours so.....there will be no long speeches or rambling.
Through our talks we've learned that the most pressing issues for young Baltimoreans are (including but are not limited to the following specific issues):
Employment (particularly for young ex-offenders, resumes, interview
Access to higher education (what programs are available for low income people to better them selves, are ex-offenders allowed to get financial aid grants, pro/cons of financing education with loans)
Crime prevention (so much energy is put into fighting crime that has already occurred. What can WE do to help the powers that can we use our voice to assist the fight.......what can the city do to make all of us feel safer? What can we do to feel safer in our communities.......& more willing to stand up to the terrorists in our own neighborhoods? What can we do to not be viewed as criminals?)
POLICE/YOUNG ADULT COMMUNITY RELATIONS - is there any thing we (17-30 year olds) can do to improve community police relations? What can we do to avoid getting shot? How best to communicate with an officer that is profiling you or stopped you for no reasons? What can we do to make our suggestions/views relevant?
ATTACK ON THE HIP HOP CULTURE (from all angles) - We are very tired of being portrayed as violent thugs when the reality is we are only reporting on the conditions in our community. We love Baltimore too. We want to be part of the development. The city of ATL
(( )) embraces its hip hop community. They recognize the potential. When will Baltimore recognize the potential of its young and most vocal people?
If these issues or any other inspires you to
ACTION.....please make plans to attend:
5 Seasons Restaurant & Lounge
830 Guilford Avenue Baltimore, MD 21202
synergizehiphop@yahoo.comFor whom:
Members of the Hip Hop generation
For what:
To bring the community together around a common goal.
SOLIDARITY = SUCCESSAre we all on the same page?
How do we best address issues related to:
Moderated by "Bmore's Hip Hop Ambassador" C-Love
(Style Warz// //ItsBaltimoreBaby LIVE!)
Instead of waiting for the revolution.....BE IT!