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    May 11, 2007
    Project Excile: There's more than meets the eye

    (Chris Ammann/Baltimore Examiner)

    A billboard on York Road in Baltimore is one of 30 being put up by the Maryland EXILE program.

    Not sure if you've noticed, but there are NEW red, black and white billboards popping up all over town advertising Maryland's newest tactic in the effort to stop all the killing. IMO - as long as weapons are easily accessible ....gun violence will continue, but hey....who am I? I must admit tho.....some of them are down right funny, "Who needs a used Bentley?"....COLD! 300+ Baltimoreans (many of them young African Americans) taken off this Earth every year for as long as I can remember...that's no joke......the reality of what is project Excile is even less of a laughing matter. Before singing the praises of Project Exile.....do a little research.

    OLD, story, but IMO.....still very true.

    February 12, 2003

    Ehrlich Errs with Project Exile
    by Gene Healy
    Gene Healy is senior editor at the Cato Institute and author of the Cato study "There Goes the Neighborhood: The Bush-Ashcroft Plan to 'Help' Localities Fight Gun Crime."

    In his "State of the State" address last week, Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich passionately endorsed Project Exile, a federal gun-prosecution program originally developed in Richmond, Virginia. According to Ehrlich, Maryland can dramatically reduce crime by adopting Exile and ramping up federal prosecution of gun-law violations ordinarily handled in state courts. But Maryland would be ill-advised to take Ehrlich's advice. Exile makes for an effective sound-bite, but it's terrible public policy. The program is unconstitutional, dangerous to the rule of law, and does little to reduce violent crime.

    Under Project Exile, crimes typically prosecuted at the state level -- such as possession of a firearm by a former felon, drug user, or illegal alien -- are handled in federal court, where mandatory minimum sentences and the possibility of serving time out of state are said to provide a stronger deterrent. Maryland's new governor isn't alone in his praise for Project Exile: President Bush has made an Exile-style effort to ramp up federal gun-law prosecutions the centerpiece of his crime control efforts.

    It's ironic that the effort to federalize the prosecution of gun crimes has come from the Republican Party, which likes to style itself as the party of federalism and the 10th Amendment. The statutes Exile is based on flagrantly violate the 10th Amendment, which states that powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved to the states or to the people. There is no constitutional authority for the federal government to prosecute garden-variety gun crimes that are already illegal in all 50 states.

    And when the federal government takes on jobs it shouldn't have, it often shirks the jobs it should: Judge Fred Motz, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland in Baltimore, has warned that the frenzy to federalize gun crimes could have a "devastating" impact on the ability of the federal courts to do their job effectively.

    Moreover, Exile-style programs lead to a mindless "zero tolerance" policy for technical infractions of gun laws. Federal prosecutors already operate under an incentive structure that George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley compares to "the body count approach in Vietnam... They feel a need to produce a body count to Congress to justify past appropriations and secure future increases." This "body count" mentality may help explain the fact that recent federal firearms' prosecutions have included a Colorado woman who was convicted under the felon-in-possession statutes for posing nude on the Internet with a gun, and an Iowa man who was sent to federal prison for 15 years for possession of a single .22-caliber bullet. Exile practically guarantees the proliferation of such cases by hiring full-time antigun prosecutors who only bring cases under one narrow slice of the criminal code.

    Worse still, Exile opens the door to prosecutorial mischief affecting the racial composition of juries. There's good reason to believe that Project Exile prosecutors have used the program to avoid black juries. In Richmond, where Project Exile was first implemented, the jury pool for the state-level Circuit Court where gun-law violations are usually prosecuted, is approximately 75 percent African-American. In contrast, the federal jury pool for Richmond defendants draws from a broader area and is only about 10 percent African-American. By diverting gun-possession cases from state to federal court, Richmond prosecutors were able to do indirectly what the Constitution does not allow them to do directly: manipulate the racial composition of the jury pool. Indeed, an assistant U.S. attorney frankly admitted that one of Exile's goals was avoiding "Richmond juries."

    Those are some of the costs of Project Exile. How about the benefits? It turns out they've been dramatically oversold. Gov. Ehrlich's claims about the efficacy of Project Exile are false; the most comprehensive study of Exile's effects, just published by the Brookings Institution, says that the program did little, if anything, to reduce crime in Richmond. According to the study, conducted by Georgetown's Jen Ludwig and Berkeley's Steven Rafael: "[T]he decline in Richmond gun homicide rates surrounding the implementation of Project Exile was not unusual and... the observed decrease would have been likely to occur even in the absence of the program." As Ludwig puts it, federalizing gun crimes was "no magic cure."

    Undermining federalism, damaging jury trial rights, and wasting resources on long jail sentences for marginal offenders -- all in the name of a crime-control program that can't deliver the goods. Gov. Ehrlich came to office promising "new ideas" -- but Project Exile is one idea Maryland can do without.


    Now O'Malley (our governor) has picked up where Ehrlich left off......EXCILE IS HERE!!! & ..............Probably to stay

    & unfortunatley for Dixon..........O'Mally left her to deal with a real mess.....

    I attended one of her recent emergency meetings with city leaders. I think she genuinely believes her 2-prong strategy will work......

    Here's what her honor, Mayor Dixon, usually has to say.............

    "I have two goals when it comes to law enforcement: Protecting our citizens from our most violent criminals and getting our communities the resources they need to overcome long-term social challenges," Dixon said. (wbal)

    read more:

    Mayor Announces Plan To Fight Crime In Baltimore

    That's all good......Mind you, I am her biggest defender.....but when is she going to specifically ask the law-abiding citizens for help? Especially the YBP population in Baltimore? Why is the community only asked to help solve crime? The only thing the community is asked to do is report...tell...snitch, but no one wants to involve the community is creating strategies that benefit everyone.


    Baltimore's crime problem has reached the level that it has for 1 primary reason: NO JOBS!!!!


    Create some jobs or new sustainable local industries......improve the schools.....and I'd bet my last dollar that crime will go down significantly. Until I hear politicians talking about that......I will continue to think that systems are being put into place that send more and more African Americans (male and female) to prison for a long time. Too long for them to every truly contribute to society. That saddens me to my core. It just seems like there are a lack of creative ppl in decision making roles.....God, I pray someone with fresh ideas comes on the scene. If this is any idication of what Mayor Dixon will do to fight crime if given my vote.......she can count me as one less vote she can count on come election day. Let's end the status quo.....dress it up any way you want...still sounds like more of the same jibba jab to me.


    Po Po Commish Hamm ALWAYS has something interesting to say too (hate it or love it)...this week's City Paper article proved no different. ("Brass Tacks")


    Sounds like they want us to BELIEVE....yet again....that they have our backs!

    check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 5/11/2007 09:34:00 AM   0 comments
    Im doing a bit of spring cleaning..........I have quite a few pictures I need to post. I believe the following are from an event that Low Key God held at the 5 Seasons a few months back. There were lots of familiar faces in the house.....here's a few:

    Rod "Hold up! What yall think I'm playin" Lee!!! nuf said!

    Reina Williams (Producer) from rock to rap!! Holla @ cha gurl!

    Banga Bill aka B-ill chillin w/ Omar Little. I am mad about those faces!!! We we having fun!!! Keep ya head up O!

    Many faces of Nik "I Ain't Playin Wit Cha" Styles
    ...........she tore up the stage!


    The Kartel always rock.... What up Majic, Bar Kardy & Sha!!! Check out Squirrel Wide in the corner of pic #2


    The Man "Wit the Hand",
    .............ya just got ta love DJ Jabril. Look at the smile.


    ...............more to follow soon

    check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove

    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 5/11/2007 08:17:00 AM   0 comments
    May 10, 2007
    BMORE N.E.W.S. (5/10/07)

    With Russell going on Oprah standing firmly on the position that essentially said "poets should be given poetic license to say what they want" only to a few days later come out and say that he is leading a coalition to ban the use to harsh curse words...I AM CONFUSED!!! Is this the best solution a room full of geniuses could come up with to fix the problem?

    It would appear that Hip Hop is finally being forced to grow up........you mean to tell me - no one was ready? no one saw this coming?
    The reaction to the question of ......"Imus has been fired - now what?" has varied.......and I'm cool with that, but the most alarming of all ofthem all is the one that represents the status quo.

    Local view point (BALTIMORE SUN PAPER):

    Dismissal may signal change
    Perhaps the clearest indication of the unsettling effect of Imus' abrupt firing was the number of radio executives yesterday who declined to be interviewed.

    "Unfortunately, our company won't let us comment on the matter," said Victor Starr, program director at WERQ-FM 92.3, Baltimore's top-rated urban station. Similar replies abounded.

    Parks, the University of Maryland professor, serves as host of a radio talk show on Towson University's WTMD-FM 89.7 and said the Imus case echoed controversies past, but she saw hope in the future.

    "The history of broadcasting is such that we have these uproars, and everybody promises change," she said. "Then after a while when things quiet down, it's back to the way it was before the uproar. But this new show of power by African-Americans in the industry and on the boards of major corporations is the kind of thing that will have a permanent effect on the media landscape."

    Ahhhhhhhhhh shucks!

    FADER MAG is FEELING our guy, NOE
    "Baltimore Noe just dropped a neutron bomb of a MTV Jams tribute in the form of "Headlights." The guest verse by Jimmy is fine and all, but THAT BEAT?!?!?! Goddamn! 2008's about to sound like 1988 and we are totally fine with that."
    &........according to magoo.com:
    "This beat really is the most ridiculous beat of the year. There's a lot of hip hop coming out of Baltimore these days and I'm all for it. Srsly, this beat!"

    "That beat" - J~Funk might be on to something with this one, yall! Produced by my main man, Jay Funk and featuring Jim Jones............ "Headlights" is destined to be a huge hit !!! I'm so estatic for everyone!!! Make sure you peep the sample of C.O.M.P. from "Sunglasses" in the hook - THAT'S HOT

    NOE is it holding down in more ways that we even know. Did you know he co-wrote DK's "Show Stopper"? OMFG!! I just peeped this week's city paper article on him...... NOE Deal: Local Rapper Duane Bridgeford Slowly Makes a Name For Himself

    Its been a while since I've seen a music-related City Paper article written by Jason Torres. I was so glad to see that he was the one chosen to give voice to NOE's truly interesting story. Although it barely scratched the surface of this multi-layered individual (Its a "No Cover" story) .........
    Hopefully with more press.....and huge hits like the hugely popular Headlights..... NOE will get the consideration and respect I already feel his music deserves. If the FADER link does not work.....click here.
    Seems like a great day to be NOE!
    For my B-More Club heads:
    The Club Beat With Scottie B.

    NOT SO LOCAL....but wanted to share:
    Saw this amateur video the other night that had this really really cool rap song on it......I won't tell you what site or what kind of movie it was because.....well.....that's just too much dang information....LOL! Let's just say.....I never would have imagined anyone ever pairing up what they were doing with a quirky rap song..... GYM CLASS HEROS is the name they go by. I'm liking this alternative. I pray we'll see more of this.


    I've been listening to alot of talk radio......MAAAAAAN...this war we are engaged in is NOT going very well. I don't know how we are going to get out of this. I do not think our country is ready to deal with all the service men and women who are going to come back with TBI. You all are in my constant prayers. Shout out to all my Bmore Hip Hop Heads, all over the globe, representing in our Armed Forces. Stay safe my American brothers and sisters!!! You are so much braver than anyone probably knows. Thank you for serving our country so bravely. ............................................................................................

    more news soon.....I just wanted to make sure I wrote something!

    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 5/10/2007 08:52:00 AM   0 comments
    May 9, 2007

    What I've heard through the grapevine:

    Banga Bill will release a full-length album this summer....actually 4 of them. Vols.1 - 4 of THE WIRE: ACCORDING TO SIR WILLIAM will give you a glimpse into the mind of, arguably, one of Baltimore's greatest musical minds. The man behind all of my favorites...."Tattoo Tears", "Other Side of the Game", "Chicken Box", etc.....is finally opening up his catalog of hits for the world. Well its about time!!! I for one can't wait until the whole world knows his name. Be on the look out for THE WIRE: ACCORDING TO SIR WILLIAM
    OOH and Jahiti of Brown F.I.S.H. are gearing up for the upcoming release of "The Separation of Church and State". I for one can't wait. I saw the pics from their latest photo shoot and all I can say is, "OH MY". I know Im late, but...... I finally got a hold of a copy of Jahiti's 2003 release entitled, "F.I.S.H. Bowl".....& Maaaaaaaaaaaaan! I am so very in love. " Impressed" doesn't even start to capture my feelings. I am writing something on these 2 right now that I will put in the universe very soon....so I won't be redundant, but these 2 truly offer music lovers something different. When I say different....Im not talking about weird mash ups or rapping midget geishas........all im saying is that....you need to find out what you've been missing. IMO - Edutainment at its finest!
    K-SWIFT posted a bulletin on MYSPACE in response to the New Republic's scathing criticism of 92.3 FM (92Q) in a piece entitled, Baltimore's Radio One's WERQ 92.3 FM Supports Payola And Bootlegging Practices. From Baltimore To New York City. posted on the Government Names blog.
    Thank You!!!! D. Chase and Farrah Chanel for giving Baltimore 2 NEW weekly talent filled events !!!!
    Thursday, May 10th
    Soul Kitchen Live Music Series
    This week's featured performer: Deborah Bond and special guests
    hosted by DChase & 2Tru
    Free before 8pm
    15 W. Eager St. Baltimore, MD 21201
    Tuesday, May 15th
    Open Mic Showcase hosted by Farrah Chanel
    Featuring a LIVE BAND!!!
    $5 all night long!!!
    All genres of music are welcome!!! Get there early to sign up!
    One East Chase Street
    13th Floor
    Baltimore Maryland 21202
    Phone: (410) 347-0888
    If you don't know D. Chase you are slipping......if you don't know D. Chase nor Farrah Chanel......you need to really get with it! Knowing these 2 could be very important to furthering your music/entertainment career.

    Ogun has a forserious street team........I see those damn "BMORE HERO" stickers EVERYWHERE!!!!
    Heard that guy Mack Houston has a new BMORE CLUB-inspired Banger...........I need to check my yahoo acct to see if it has arrived....mmmmmmmmmmmh....haven't checked that joint out yet, but I dig Mack's style ...so I'm pretty sure he did it justice. Im sure its on his MYSPACE page. When you get a few, check it out and let both of us know what you think. I can't be co-signing for wack!
    sike-up! DOC HOUSE all day!

    Also ladies, that brotha......Bobby Baltimore is cute....check out his new vid "Baby Girl". Rollie Fingaz (Street Dreamz Ent) and Ahk (Strictly Hip Hop) put that jawnt together. Looking good, papi!

    Taz of the Unstoppable Knucklehead's told me this past Saturday at Kelly C and DJ Spontaneous' Hip Hop Kareoke that ....and I quote, "we're bringin messy back...yeah" ......with their upcoming release, "The Mysterious Messy Revolution"............wow!

    Guess we have to wait and see what this is about...........

    I need an address........can you help me? I want something posted in the next B-MORE VIBE "letters to the editor" section ......... SOMEBODY DONE LIED ON ME. Remember this one sentence when reading: No one ever talked to me about anything!

    In a city where so many ppl profess to live by "a code and death to everyone else"......there are lots of hypocrites among us. I won't go into details because....I want yall to pick up the mag. And in reality I don't care, but I miss gossiping so...........I guess if I am not making it or involved in it there won't be any so......I get it, "YALL NEED ME BACK ON THE J-O-B!!!" he he!

    What else have I heard:

    Folk think I am pregnant or have fallen off....LOL!

    Quite the contrary.....if I were expecting, I'd be happy and tell the world (I'm a Grown azz woman)......& I am more motivated than ever to "do what I do"....main problem: VENUE!!!! If ya have one, holla at cha gurl!!!

    The more well known clubs in this city (except the 5 Seasons) put waaaaay to much shit in the game for my taste. I know that venues want to make more money than the promoter, but at what point does it go from business to rape?

    I will get a permit for a street corner, alley or park......and deal with the uncertainty of that before I allow myself to be treated like I bring nothing to the table. I don't take that punk ish in personal relationships....so why would I with a stranger?

    I am a dedicated promoter and Baltimore rap activist. When I have an event or project I push it to the limit and go for broke. I am an ideal partner for a venue because I bring my own drama free crowd and my crowd drinks top shelf, baby!!!!..... I pay for all my promo (with or without your ppl.....the party is going to be live), I work to obtain press which benefits all parties involved and ......I could go on and on, but I may begin to sound like a jilted lover....LOL! I'll stop!


    .....just wanted you to know the dealy yo! I have not turned my back on Bmore!

    Through the Web vine:
    Black Starr Review

    This guy is starting to get some shine! go head, you wild and crazy guy!

    Smart hip-hop, the kind you rarely hear
    Music Notes: Rashod D. Ollison


    "Lifesavas represents the smarter part of the genre, the side that's fully aware of the rich black musical legacy on which it stands.

    "Black people are so much more than the images you see in mainstream hip-hop," Vursatyl says. "It's about balance, man; it's about restoring that balance. Right now, hip-hop is so homogenized. But there are a lot of cats doing much more than what you hear on the radio."

    A thoughtful album such as Gutterfly is a rewarding example."

    Actually...........Great piece, but this guy kills me. Him needing to go all the way to Portland, Oregon to find a group like the one he described is so typically Baltimorean. We have groups/MCs like that right here buddy!!! I swear I need to find out where this guy is going to be so I can run up on him for a brief chit chat.
    I prolly could share some more if I had time to think about it, but I don't so.........Ill holla.

    check me out if you get a few......www.myspace.com/clove

    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 5/09/2007 08:03:00 AM   2 comments
    May 8, 2007
    I love it!!! This is so inspiring.....
    Thank you Civil Jones and Amotion!
    Now everyone is going to have to watch the documentary in its entirety to get the full scoop!!
    Many of the women featured on the clip will be performing live this Saturday @ the 5 Seasons!!!

    check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 5/08/2007 07:46:00 PM   0 comments
    I can't wait for the show!!! I was at #1......so ya know i wouldn't miss this one for the world. Doors will open at 9pm with a $10 dollar fee before 10pm. The first performer will open the show at 10:15. There will also be a sneak preview of the documentary "Even a Man Can Do This" a film about the female movement in the hip hop industry written and produced by Divine Media and Grasshopper Philms. P.S. Im in it - yippee!!
    Divine Ideals
    "Promoting your event…Not just your vision"
    Phone 443-655-4588 Fax 410-944-1785
    $10 advance tickects!!!!!
    check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 5/08/2007 10:52:00 AM   3 comments
    There's a new media diva on the scene, Rogue, and her B-MORE VIBE magazine has the streetz buzzing with the question, "Who's Got Next?" Every issue, since its inception, BMORE VIBE has allowed the fans of BMORE HIP HOP to decide who would grace the next cover. Way to get the people involved!!! This newest magazine features an introspective cover piece and photo shoot with the First Lady of F.I.S.H., B'Fly. WOW! you peep Jah and OOH...literally "in the cut"? no pun intended. From what I gather....the mag is pretty much a one woman operation.....I know how that is. Go awn girl with your bad self! Keep your head up!!! Anything I can do to help, please let me know. You've come a long way from that fateful day at 88.9....LOL! I'm looking forward to seeing your dream come to fruition.
    Check this out yall:
    Local Hip-Hop: Vibe Talkin’
    For more info on where you can get your copy:


    check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove ......got some blazing new tunes in the player, dude!
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 5/08/2007 10:43:00 AM   1 comments
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