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    Apr 21, 2006
    All Things Must Come to an End

    The show was great! Of course they wouldn't let me bring my camera into the venue!!! Please tell me how is it that some ppl always seem to get theirs in and I NEVER can???? I took these on my newfangled camera phone...I know they aren't the best, but hey....@ least I'm sharing! he he! I don't think I could ever tire of seeing KRS 1 do his thang. He performed ALL the hits ("South Bronx", "Loves Gonna Get Cha", "Black Cop", "Sound of the Police"....etc) and even let his men's and them get their man.
    I remember the guy that introduced himself as the "newest member of BPD" last time KRS was in B'more. Dude was from Philly....I distinctly remember that, but the funny this is....at that time he was part of a group ...& was on some gangsta ish. Seemed to be an odd "opener" for the teacha. I guess he is reformed....Not sure what's up with that, but he most def held his own on stage with the legends last night. I wish I would have caught his name so I could fimd his website or something.
    I really loved the fact that Bizzy did his thang. That was so very cool. I'd never seen the chief rocker in action. I must say....I HAD A BALL watching him up there. I've talked to Bizzy on numerous occasions and he is always so reserved....LOL! FRONT! The man STILL has it in him! I loved it!
    Not really sure how to put this into words, but I'ma try my best....(don't shoot me if you dont agree)..............last night I realized that the early pioneers recognized that hip hop was going to continually change. Nothing EVER stays the same forever...why would you want it to. So IMO .....all these so called "Hip Hop purists" out here are actually stiffling hip hop's growth with all their talk of how wonderful and authentic the "Golden era" was and how the South is ruining Hip Hop. By acting contrary to what the originators would have wanted...these people are in effect the people that are making it possible for the garbage to exist. While I def feel their pain, I think it is time that we reevaluate the way to "save" hip hop.
    The golden era was authentic to the times. All the MCs I know...pride themselves on having an original or unique style. If a person TODAY raps like he is in the 4th member of a Tribe Called Quest folk will say "he/she rhymes like...." or "he/she sounds dated".....why would you compare a young artist of today with anyone from the 90's?...why would an MC do that to himsellf? The 80 & 90's had its own set of issues - the fall out from "Regan-nomics", end of the cold war, end of disco, riots, end of welfare, etc. The kids of today don't have the same sensibilities of a person that grew up in the 80's. A lot of these kids raised themselves. This is the crack generation..... Today's kids are bombarded with images of expensive "things", socially acceptible drug use, open bi-sexuality, staggering A.I.D.S. rates, rising prison populations, G W Bush, etc. 90's babies grew up totally different. Today's artists prolly aren't compelled to talk about their love for Hip Hop b/c it is soooo mainstream...just about everyone loves it.....so why would they talk about loving it in every other song? They'd start to sound corny..That's WHY! & b/c young people simply don't talk like that. Never mind the fact that it's already been said ...so many different ways. Back "in the day"...people professed their love for Hip Hop so much b/c it wasn't everywhere and b/c it was a badge of honor to be "down" with something different. It was a lot of folk's Punk Rock.... The more mom didn't get it..the BETTER!!! Today's ghetto reporters are not likely to make a song about crooked cops b/c it's just not that controversial in 2006. Crooked cops have been part of our collective consciousness for at least 20 years. ITS OLD NEWS!!! The issues have changed and thus the perspectives will as well.
    "But can what can be done?"...you may ask:
    I think the beauty of the so called "golden era" is that there was something for everyone. Consious, Miami Bass, Gangsta, West Coast albums would ALL drop on the same day. Also....There was an amazing thing called the "request line", but new industries have been established to take Its place...so I doubt its coming back. You following me? If not....stop reading this post.
    IMO....If you REALLY want to change the subject matter...you must change the youth's perspective. It's time that the people who appreciate substance in their Hip Hop STAND UP & really support it. Make it the sh*t!
    Those of us that know that Hip Hop could "SAY" so much more must be careful not to fall into the trap of "downing" something OUR generation thinks is BAD. Its time to put in in the hard work needed to shine a light on what many KNOW is "ghood". Eh yall.....Remember when elders used to do that to us? LOL! Are we gettin old?
    I listened to the words that KRS 1 used when he was intro-ing Bizzy's set.....
    from it....I realized that without the willingness to accept the fact that change is part of the evolutionary process......we would have never met KRS-1. His style [modeled after other MCs he admired] would have been deemed too revolutionary b/c it was not the "party N bullshit" anthems the MCs of his youth were spittin. People would have been looking at him like, "What you mean you want to record a rap? hahahahaha" MC-ing would have remained party chants over breaks ....without substance, deeper meaning and profound messagess....no hooks to tie the song verses together.... no ad-libs....[add on] none of the stuff that MY generation has come to recognize as Hip Hop. I watched Busy perform and felt so nostalgic and happy. I watched KRS exert more energy than the average MC a fraction of his age and felt the same way. They both were on something totally and qualitatively different, yet at the end of the day....I could appreciate both without reservation. Its the same thing I feel when I look at rap today. I take from it what matters to me. Change when it comes to Hip Hop is INEVITABLE and last night proved it! It's up to us [those that KNOW] to shape the minds of the youth so that will keep the art alive. Teach them how to take from their dismal situations and create something ghood. Let's stop beating up on the kids for not having something to say or for not knowing how to express their frustrations about their life. They are talking about what they know
    ....that is the saddest part.
    ^^^This is just a thought that came to mind...haven't fully explored it yet. Sound off if you feel compelled @ http://s12.invisionfree.com/Its_Baltimore_Baby/index.php?showtopic=9&view=getnewpost
    Check out KRS One
    on MYSPACE .....and check me out @ www.myspace.com/clove
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 4/21/2006 03:54:00 PM   2 comments
    Apr 20, 2006
    Im having one of those "Why did I do it??? stupid stupid stupid!! %*$#@@&" days
    For some reason I cannot add comments from my home computer. It's a real bummer. I'd love to get some real dialogue going on. Thanks for the hair comments, ladies. It's so funny how when your hair is all gone you can really see your face- not saying thats a good or bad thing. I am just mad cause I can't do NATHAN with it. Its all my fault tho...so Im not mad for real for real. Word of advice: Never go to a stylist that does not really know you or can't follow directions to the "T" when looking to make ANY drastic changes. Come on yall....I showed this chick a picture....I gave her a visual and she still cut it too short. Stylists out there....err on the side of "longer"!
    Be sure you check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 4/20/2006 04:36:00 PM   0 comments
    Decisions, Decisions, Decisions............

    Hip Hop is MOST def in the building tonight!!! Baltimore City has options!!!!

    but, How does one choose between?
    KRS ONE and guests Shodekeh, DJ Mills and Tislam the Great


    Tone Loc & Rob Base

    Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.........
    I'm mean both are gonna give you your money's worth! fo sho!

    I gots ta go with the teacha...........

    WEEEEEEELL my decisions comes down to pride...and the fact that someone loved me enough to gift me a ticket...YIPPPPPEEEEEE!!! Last time KRS-1 came to Baltimore ...I couldn't get a picture with him....I'm on a mission to succeed.....nothing will stand in my way.........he he! except maybe one of the Ottobar's big tatted up, earing through the nose wearing security guards....LOL! ............Ill be back with details! Ova & out!

    Be sure you check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove

    Its so great to have important people as friends! mwah!

    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 4/20/2006 04:14:00 PM   0 comments
    Do you want to be featured on the "What's Poppin Next Tour"?
    info courtesy of [ www.hiphoppress.com ]

    About the tour: Want to reach hundreds of thousands of 18-35 year olds? Want the chance for exposure in the rap and r&b game? Look no further than the I Am Whatspoppin’ Next Tour!

    If you or someone you know have got that unsigned heat and want an opportunity to perform at the largest urban events of leisure:

    NBA ALL-STAR - Join us in Vegas in 2007
    BLACK COLLEGE REUNION - Join us next year
    TEXAS BEACH PARTY - Contact me ASAP!

    you need to contact Ty Wilson ASAP!!!!

    Each event brings hundreds of thousands of African-American 18-30-something-year-olds to the area where the events take place. What better way is there for anyone in the rap/ r&b game to get an entertainment career off the ground? In addition to your performance receive all of the marketing tools you’ll need, including a street team, radio/television spots, hotel accommodations, and more.

    Prepare your press kit and radio-edit your singles now. Join the “I Am Whatspoppin’ Next Tour” today!

    Send to:
    Ty Wilson Multi Media Director
    Platinum Enterprise Group Services
    877- 521- 4686 ext 4

    & ......be sure you check me out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove
    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 4/20/2006 01:26:00 PM   0 comments
    Apr 18, 2006
    Rah Energy LOVES the kids!!!!

    Rah Energy held its 2nd Annual Urban Starr Showcase ( a fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of America) at the K Productions over the weekend [4.15.06]. They reported that they were able to send 3 kids to summer camp last year thanks to the donations they recieved at the first showcase. Hopefully this year they'll be able to send more!! The TURN OUT was very nice. Big Ups to everyone that came out and suppprted this very worthy cause. I was so caught up in the show that I truly forgot to take pics...LOL! The event was hosted by Ad- Lib (*uber-charming MC) & featured some of the area's most talented spoken word artists, including:

    E the Poet Emcee (who always tears it down where ever he goes. Check out the flyer below....its for his next shin dig! Promises to be off the hook!!)

    JaHipster (aka Dr. Hips aka my shero & ......she really has a PhD...YOU GO GIRL!!!)

    WordSlave ( I'm still humming...."mmmm hummmm...Lord are you listening to me?")

    Kelita Samone (This woman has one of the best female voices I've heard in a while.... Her voice ..her range and the tones are amazing. I bet any amount of money she used to be lead soloist in the choir)

    Lyric the Lyricist & Archie the Messanger (The NEW dynamic Duo!!!)

    Rebecca Dupas (Poetess/Educator/beautiful hostess of Warm Wednesdays @ the 5 Seasons!!!)

    "Using the Sun's Energy to Radiate light in a Dark World" - Rah Energy
    - I love that slogan. It is so very fitting for the ladies of Rah Energy. Always smiling....Always giving BIG hugs...Always showing genuine concerned. That is soooooooo very rare in the entertainment biz. I met these ladies last year at a Torchlight Event and was immediately impressed by their passion and enthusiasm for music and entertainment. They were the main people up in the spot hollaring out, "Torchlight" and they are Rah Energy...LOL! That kind of selflessness is not seen that often……particularly amongst people who are all on the come up. It’s amazing when you consider that the 2005 Happy Birthday Hip Hop Party (HELD EVERY NOVEMBER) was the first time these ladies hosted an event on their own. They are truly blossoming. I AM SO VERY PROUD OF THEM!!!! The original 4 ladies have inspired the desire to help the community in other people as well...looks like Rah Energy has grown....every time I see them, there is a new girl reppin. That is amazing. Keep up the miraculous work ladies!!! I have my eyes on yall! Thanks for giving me something ghood to talk about!

    * Ad- lib is soooooo funny....I went up and introduced myself to him...LOL! he was like, "Oh yeah...you are the one that writes the long *ss posts...[using his hands for emphasis...LOL!] Yeah it's me, my brotha. It's funny cause he could have just been like "you sure talk alot". Sooooo very ....expect an Ad-Lib post coming soon! he he! That is as soon as I can get a music sampler - somethin from him! Ima have to get him to host something of mine as well very soon...this guy is hillarious! Plus he is into Hip Hop - for serious!

    Remember how fun those OLD SCHOOL House Parties used to be...the girating...dancing...sweaty wallz & all...

    Come get you cabbage patch and WOP on.......... LOL! ONLY $5 for his MYSPACE friends!!!

    &......while you're on MYSPACE becoming one of E's friends...come holla @ cha peoples - ME!!

    Lata gator!

    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 4/18/2006 08:10:00 PM   0 comments
    Cherish the good people in your life
    Finally got around to checking out Season the Microphone Mondays at the Yabba Pot. Hosted by the Unison Collective, the b-Monthly event is quickly gaining steam in Baltimore. Every other Monday, they offer a live DJ, open mic and feature different established acts for $5. DJ Face was DJ-ing on the 10th [the night I attended] so in between sets we were treated to some ghood music. Brown F.I.S.H. and 360 were performing. Both did an excellent job. The set up was very cool - very intimate, little tables, plants....very colorful with lots of cool art adorning the walls. I reccommend this event to anyone looking for a chill spot to hangout on a Monday night. Very peaceful vibe....even saw a few folk that looked over 40. The Yabba Pot is a vegan restaurant with lots of yummy sounding food items on the menu and exotic juices in the coolers.

    On some real ish: During BF's set a few members of 360 including Shellbe Raw joined them on stage to perform a tribute song to one of their friends who was recently killed [i believe]....I ended up needing to leave the spot for a sec cause it made me realize that my grandfather had passed not to long ago [December] & I got sad for a sec. Soooooooo I ended up having a "get together" at my house yesterday b/c I wanted to be around some of the people that are part of my new extended family. We had a great time...next time you all will be invited! PROMISE! Life is so so so short. I want to be cool with everyone! I Cherish the time I have with people who genuinly love me. If I have not shown you the proper amount of love lately, please tell me. I need my friends to keep me grounded. I appreciate all of you that came through.....WOW! Im not even gonna name drop! he he!

    Be sure to check me out on myspace! Lata!

    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 4/18/2006 01:02:00 PM   1 comments
    Apr 16, 2006
    Living life like its GOLDEN

    Happy Easter, EVERYONE!!! and Happy Passover (belated)....Duh! is Passover a "Happy" holiday?

    Oh my its been a busy last couple of days. Went to several events that were out of this world. I will have to tell you about each individually when I get time...cause I am crazy busy, my computer is moving super slow ( I think I need a new modem) and b/c I have pics to share and that takes a sec. Work with me.......

    Big Ups to my home gurls, Golden Seal!!!!

    The Brown Sugar II event (Friday April 14, 2006) was definitely a great look for these ladies who've come back on the scene carrying it like they ain't NEVER left. First time I saw them was back in like October at Bossman's jumpoff...sheesh yall cover a lot of ground- FAST! REAL TALK! Back to back SUCCESSFUL events, a new DJ Booman hosted mixtape (peep the cover yall!)...what's next, GS? A Hip Hop Carnival....LOL!?

    You deserve a lot of credit for not only bringing all of those supastars together (AGAIN), but for also finding a super super cool location for the event. The vibe was sooooooooo "dossier and kush"! I loved it!!! It felt very creative and artsy... almost like being in a different city for a minute. Thanks for the invite. GS: The locale made me realize...I need to lose some weight...the steps damn near killed me (4 flights up!)

    What's bugged out is that....earlier Friday evening....KW Griff and Squirrel Wide played a new Boo Man and Jimmy CLUB track and who was on it...LOL! Yeah Yeah Yeah, Golden Seal! I am woman hear me roah! Specially that JahLi...ANYWAY....yawl know how I ramble.... he he!

    Brown Sugar II........Brown Sugar II............Brown Sugar II

    I arrived as Che Ray was singing what I am willing to bet BIG $$$$ ....will be his first HUGE hit. This song will take him there. I've heard the same compliment from everyone about this song, "If he had a CD with that song on it, Id go buy it right now!!!". Soooooooooooo anybody out there looking for a HOT...soulful R&B type track.....Find this man! "BLESSED".....I didn't even tell yall the name of it...LOL! Ladies, It's a song about a man that is so in love with "just being with yoooooooooou"....... Fellas....we love it when a man tells us that we are "perfect for him"....as if "custom made" for his specifications... Chillllle he says some stuff in this song. Plus, MY GIRL from Madonna Elementary School, "C" (I'm not gonna put her gov't out there..not sure what name she performs under..LOL!) is one of his back up singers. Sombody...AnyBODY...EVERYBODY... please come check this guy out...he is *special*.

    OGUN did his thang on Friday! I wish I had a picture of his T shirt. It said something like "Balti-nopoly"! It was very appropriate for the evening. O's faith is being tested...so I ask that all of you continue to send up your prayers.


    Oh Yeeeeeeeeah! Be on the look out for "Oil and Water 2". If you thought the first Ogun and Profound collab was hot....just imagine what a year and a few wild ass experiences will do to ya music. I like these 2 pictures (below)....he looks so serious. he he! Look at Profound's mugg too. LOL! They were really into the song. Ya got to respect that.

    Jeneba Suma is HOUSE music!!! 1 mo time.....Jeneba Suma is HOUSE music!!! The voice.... the energy...the expressions...the OUTFITS!!! I always have fun whenever she is performing. Her voice is so powerful and unique. Her new song talks about being comfortible in her/your own skin. I can relate to that on so many levels. I heard she added some HEAT to the BROWN SUGAR Mixtape. Another GREAT reason to buy it! She'll make you want to dance.....& as the pics show....she has no problem with breaking out into a 2-step with ya.

    I had to leave before Brown F.I.S.H and Golden Seal performed. My homegirl from the "foreign exchange" program was rollin with me and we were starved. By the time we arrived the food was all gone...LOL! "We missed the food by 5 mins"...LOL! Ain't that what they always say. On my way out...I peeped OOH readying for for his "princely" entrance. You have got to see it for yourself and I don't want to talk about it until I can take pics....but I leave you with one thought. Think Prince Hakeem with the rose petals that told the story of his journey......LOL! He's a Fool! I know my girls, GS tore it down. I am so sorry I wasn't there...yall need to come out earlier in yall show....LOL! I got yall first drinks at the In the Field jump off....(water that is...LOL!). Congrats AGAIN on a great show!!!

    I want to make a toast......

    Raise your glasses of Thunderbird (insert the name of your favorite cheap liquor) high:

    "To NEW beginnings....

    Sometimes you must destroy to rebuild"

    I wanted a change, but DAYUUUUUUUUUM... I think my hair stylist drank a lil too much RIPPLE cause she cut all my damn hair off!!! Call me Becky from now on

    .....its all good tho! Ima work it!

    I holla, fam!

    &.............Be to check a sista out on MYSPACE @ www.myspace.com/clove

    posted by C Love "The Rap Addict" @ 4/16/2006 05:14:00 PM   1 comments
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    Name: C Love "The Rap Addict"
    Home: BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, United States
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